Pet Home Remedies

7 Best Pet Home Remedies for Dogs and Cats

You have many tools at home with you right now that can help with pet care. Here are our favorite pet care hacks and the best pet home remedies for dogs and cats.


4 Pet Home Remedies for Dogs

From a pee accident on the carpet to itchy hot spots on the skin to burs trapped in their coats, dogs can cause some trouble for themselves and for their owners. Here are our favorite pet home remedies for dogs, all made from items you probably have on hand right now:

  • Oatmeal paste to support skin comfort
  • Dryer sheets for reducing static in your dog’s fur
  • Baking soda, vinegar, and water for neutralizing odors and swelling
  • Vegetable shortening for removing debris trapped in your dog’s coat


Oatmeal Paste for Itchy or Dry Skin for Pet Home Remedies

To create oatmeal paste for your pet, start by grinding up plain, unflavored oats into a fine powder. You can do this using a blender or food processor until you have a smooth consistency. Next, mix the oatmeal powder with warm water to create a paste-like consistency Pet Home Remedies .

Once you have your oatmeal paste ready, gently apply it to the affected area on your pet’s skin. Be sure to cover the entire area and massage the paste in gently to ensure it reaches the skin underneath. Allow the oatmeal paste to sit on your pet’s skin for about 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

Oatmeal is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce itching and redness on your pet’s skin. It can also provide moisture to dry skin, helping to hydrate and soothe any discomfort your pet may be experiencing Pet Home Remedies .

It’s important to note that while oatmeal paste can be a safe and effective home remedy for itchy or dry skin in pets, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian before trying any new treatments. They can help determine the underlying cause of your pet’s skin issues and provide guidance on the best course of action Pet Home Remedies .

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Pet Home Remedies

 Dryer Sheets Can Reduce Static in a Dog’s Coat to Pet Home Remedies

Dryer sheets work by coating the fibers of your dog’s fur with a thin layer of chemicals that help reduce the build-up of static electricity. This can be especially helpful for dogs with long or thick coats that are prone to static cling. Not only will the dryer sheets help reduce static, but they can also leave your dog smelling fresh and clean Pet Home Remedies .

To use dryer sheets on your dog, simply rub a dryer sheet over your dog’s coat, being sure to avoid their face and any open wounds. You can also rub a dryer sheet over your dog’s brush before grooming them to help reduce static as you brush their fur. Just be sure to use the dryer sheets sparingly, as too much exposure to the chemicals on the sheets can be harmful to your Pet Home Remedies .

While dryer sheets can be a quick and easy solution for reducing static in your dog’s coat, it’s important to keep in mind that they are not meant to be a long-term solution. Over time, the chemicals on the dryer sheets can build up on your dog’s fur and skin, causing irritation and potential health issues. It’s best to use dryer sheets sparingly and to rinse your dog thoroughly after using them to ensure that all of the chemicals are removed.

If you prefer a more natural alternative to dryer sheets, you can also try using a small amount of coconut oil or Sheaf butter on your dog’s coat to help reduce static. These natural oils can help moisturize your dog’s fur and prevent static cling without the use of harsh chemicals Pet Home Remedies .

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Pet Home Remedies

Pet Home Remedies A Homemade Poultice for Bee Stings – and Cleaning Up Accidents!

Have you ever had your pet get stung by a bee while playing outside? It can be a scary experience for both you and your pet! But don’t worry, there’s a simple homemade poultice that you can make to help alleviate the pain and swelling caused by bee stings Pet Home Remedies .

To make a homemade poultice for bee stings, start by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda with enough water to create a paste. Apply this paste directly to the affected area and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. Baking soda is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce swelling and discomfort associated with bee stings Pet Home Remedies .

If your pet is experiencing pain or itching from the bee sting, you can also try applying a small amount of honey to the affected area. Honey is a natural antibacterial agent and can help soothe the skin while promoting healing.

In addition to using this homemade poultice for bee stings, you can also use it to clean up accidents around the house. Whether your pet has had an accident on the carpet or furniture, the baking soda paste can help neutralize odors and remove stains. Simply apply the paste to the affected area, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe it clean with a damp cloth Pet Home Remedies .

By using this simple homemade poultice, you can help your pet find relief from bee stings and keep your home clean and odor-free. Remember to monitor your pet closely after administering any home remedy and seek veterinary care if their symptoms worsen or do not improve Pet Home Remedies .

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Pet Home Remedies

 Use Shortening to Clear Your Dog’s Coat of Burs and Debris to Pet Home Remedies

If you have a dog who loves to run around outside, chances are they might come back home with all sorts of debris stuck in their coat. Burrs, twigs, and other debris can not only be uncomfortable for your pet but can also cause skin irritation or matting if left unattended Pet Home Remedies .

One simple and effective way to clear your dog’s coat of burs and debris is by using shortening. Yes, you read that right – the same product you use for baking can actually be a handy tool for grooming your pet!

Shortening, such as vegetable shortening or coconut oil, can work wonders for getting rid of stubborn burrs and debris in your dog’s coat. Simply scoop a small amount of shortening onto your fingers and gently work it into the affected areas on your dog’s fur. The shortening will help lubricate the strands of hair, making it easier to remove any tangled debris Pet Home Remedies .

As you massage the shortening into your dog’s fur, you’ll start to notice the burrs and debris loosening up. You can then use a comb or your fingers to gently work out the debris from your dog’s coat. Be sure to work slowly and carefully to avoid causing any discomfort or pulling on your dog’s skin.

Shortening is a natural and safe alternative to harsh chemicals or grooming products that may irritate your pet’s skin. Plus, it’s readily available in most kitchens, making it a convenient solution for removing burrs and debris from your dog’s coat.

In addition to clearing your dog’s coat of burs and debris, shortening can also help moisturize and condition their fur. The oils in the shortening can help nourish your dog’s skin and coat, leaving them looking and feeling soft and shiny.

It’s important to note that while shortening can be a helpful grooming tool for your dog, it’s best to use it in moderation. Too much shortening can leave your dog’s coat feeling greasy or attract dirt and dust, so it’s best to use it sparingly when needed Pet Home Remedies   .

So, the next time your dog comes back from a romp in the great outdoors covered in burrs and debris, reach for the shortening in your pantry. Your furry friend will thank you for the gentle and effective grooming treatment, leaving them feeling clean, comfortable, and looking their best.

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Pet Home Remedies


3 Pet Home Remedies for Cats

Cat owners are often plagued by hairballs and the occasional kitty scratching fight. Here are the best pet home remedies for cats using easy-to-find ingredients and tools:

  • Proper grooming and butter for hairball defense
  • Saline solution or baby shampoo for cleaning scratches
  • Cranberry juice for bladder health


Pet Home Remedies for a Cat with Hairballs

Hairballs are a common issue for many cats, especially those with long or thick coats. These hairballs occur when cats groom themselves and swallow loose hair, which then forms a ball in their digestive system. While occasional hairballs are normal for cats, frequent hairballs can be uncomfortable and even potentially harmful if they lead to a blockage in the stomach or intestines. Luckily, there are several effective home remedies you can try to help your cat deal with hairballs.

One of the best ways to prevent hairballs in cats is by regularly brushing your cat’s fur. This helps to remove loose hair before your cat can ingest it while grooming. Depending on your cat’s coat type, you may need to brush them daily or a few times a week to keep their fur tangle-free and minimize the amount of hair they swallow.

Another home remedy for hairballs is adding a little bit of olive oil or coconut oil to your cat’s food. These oils can help lubricate your cat’s digestive tract, making it easier for hairballs to pass through their system and be expelled in their stool. Just be sure to start with a small amount of oil and gradually increase it to avoid any digestive upset.

If your cat is already experiencing discomfort from a hairball, you can try giving them a small amount of a hairball remedy paste or gel. These products are specifically designed to help break down hairballs and aid in their passage through your cat’s system. You can typically find these remedies at pet stores or your veterinarian’s office.

Increasing your cat’s fiber intake can also help prevent hairballs by promoting regular bowel movements. You can achieve this by adding a little bit of canned pumpkin or a fiber supplement to your cat’s food. Just be sure to consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your cat’s diet to ensure they are getting the proper nutrients.

Regular play and exercise can also help prevent hairballs by stimulating your cat’s digestive system and encouraging them to groom less. Interactive toys, climbing structures, and scheduled play sessions can all help keep your cat active and engaged, reducing the likelihood of hairballs forming.

If your cat continues to experience frequent hairballs despite trying these home remedies, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian. They can help determine if there are any underlying health issues contributing to the problem and recommend additional treatment options. With a little bit of preventative care and attention, you can help your cat stay hairball-free and comfortable.

Pet Home Remedies
Pet Home Remedies

Clean Cat Scratches at Home with Baby Shampoo and Salt

Cats are known for their sharp claws and sometimes those claws can do a number on our skin. If you’ve ever been scratched by a cat, you know how painful it can be. Not to mention the risk of infection that comes with cat scratches. But fear not, because there is a simple and effective home remedy for cleaning cat scratches using just baby shampoo and salt.

Baby shampoo is gentle enough for delicate skin, making it the perfect choice for cleaning cat scratches. It helps to clean the area without causing any irritation or harm. Salt, on the other hand, has natural antiseptic properties that can help prevent infection and promote healing.

To clean cat scratches at home with baby shampoo and salt, start by mixing a small amount of baby shampoo with warm water. You want the solution to be gentle enough for your cat’s skin but effective enough to clean the wound. Dip a clean cloth or cotton ball into the solution and gently dab at the scratch.

The salt will help to disinfect the scratch and prevent infection. It will also help to dry out any excess moisture, which can aid in the healing process. Leave the salt paste on for a few minutes before gently rinsing it off with warm water.

Cranberry Can Help with Bladder Health

Cranberry may be a popular fruit known for its tart taste, but did you know it can also be beneficial for your pets’ bladder health? Yes, that’s right – cranberries can provide a natural remedy to help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in both dogs and cats.

UTIs are a common problem among pets, especially in females, older animals, and those with underlying health conditions. Symptoms of a UTI can include frequent urination, straining to urinate, blood in the urine, and accidents in the house. If left untreated, UTIs can lead to more serious health complications, so it’s important to take preventative measures.

Are home remedies safe for pets?

Home remedies can be safe and effective for minor issues when used correctly and under veterinary guidance. However, it’s essential to research each remedy thoroughly and ensure it’s appropriate for your pet’s species, breed, and health condition. Some natural ingredients may be toxic to certain animals, so always consult with your veterinarian before trying any home remedy.

What types of ailments can be treated with home remedies?

Home remedies can be used for various minor ailments in pets, including skin irritations, minor wounds, upset stomachs, and mild anxiety. Natural ingredients like herbs, essential oils, and simple dietary changes can often provide relief for these issues. However, for more serious or chronic conditions, it’s crucial to seek professional veterinary care.

How do I know if a home remedy is suitable for my pet?

Before trying any home remedy on your pet, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian. They can evaluate your pet’s health history, current condition, and any potential risks associated with the remedy. Additionally, research reputable sources, such as veterinary websites or books, to ensure the remedy is appropriate and safe for your pet’s species and size.

Can I combine home remedies with traditional veterinary care?

In many cases, home remedies can complement traditional veterinary care. For example, you might use a natural remedy to soothe your pet’s minor skin irritation while also following your veterinarian’s prescribed treatment plan for a more serious underlying condition. However, always inform your veterinarian about any home remedies you’re using to ensure they won’t interfere with prescribed medications or treatments.

What should I do if my pet has an adverse reaction to a home remedy?

If your pet experiences any adverse reactions, such as allergic reactions, worsening symptoms, or unusual behavior, after using a home remedy, stop the treatment immediately and contact your veterinarian. Be prepared to provide detailed information about the remedy you used, including ingredients and dosage, as well as any changes in your pet’s condition. Your veterinarian can advise you on next steps and provide appropriate medical care if necessary.


There are many safe and effective home remedies that can help keep your pets healthy and happy. From soothing oatmeal baths to calming chamomile tea, these natural treatments can provide relief for common ailments in dogs and cats. However, it’s always important to consult with your veterinarian before trying any new remedies to ensure they are appropriate for your pet’s specific needs. By incorporating these remedies into your pet care routine, you can help keep your beloved companions feeling their best.


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